Online Care Methods

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Most procedures viewed in my institution

Removal of an accumulation of hardened stool (fecaloma) manually.

Procedure consisting of measuring the volume of urine in the bladder using an ultrasound device.

Procedure consisting of collecting a sample of the pathogens that are present in the anterior part of the nose (nasal vestibule) for analysis. 

Pediatric procedural sedation is increasingly required to assure the safe and effective delivery of care to young patients. Procedural sedation facilitates the completion of certain procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which are otherwise not possible in many pediatric patients without some form of sedation, and it also helps alleviate undue stress and anxiety related to the procedure for the patient and their family [8]. It is however often challenging to find the optimal pharmacologic agent for both safe and effective sedation of non-intubated patients by non-anesthesiologists.
