Online Care Methods

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Most procedures viewed in my institution

Emptying a drainage bag Connecting a bedside drainage bag to a leg or abdominal bag Disconnecting a bedside drainage bag from a leg or abdominal bag Installing or removing a stabilization device for a urinary catheter.

Missing Patient:   A patient is considered missing when he/she absents themselves without leave or fails to return from an agreed leave period, i.e., day pass with no contact and/or agreement with staff.  This includes the following circumstances: the patient is not accounted for during regular rounds or is noticed to be missing from the unit and is determined not to be in any scheduled activity, treatment and/or appointment or out on pass; the patient is seen leaving the hospital facilities and/or grounds without permission to do so; the patient leaves the unit for an activity but does not arrive as scheduled or does not return to the unit afterwards. A patient on pass who fails to return within one hour of the agreed upon time and with whom there is no contact and/or agreement made with staff is considered missing as soon as the absence is noticed.

Put on sterile gloves.

Administering medication through a gastric or enteric tube or button directly into the stomach or small intestine.
