Online Care Methods

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Most viewed procedures

Standardize the peritoneal dialysis fluid sample procurement process in order to reduce the risk of contamination and to obtain laboratory diagnosis of peritonitis.

Providing hygiene care to the dependent and bedridden user.

Apply or remove a stabilization device for a drain placed on the surface of the skin.

Insertion of a flocked swab in the nostril in order to collect respiratory epithelial cells for a viral analysis.

A transfer set attachment to the Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) catheter is required to enable a closed system. The transfer set is attached to the PD catheter post catheter insertion in the operating room or interventional radiology. The transfer sets should be changed: Every six (6) months to reduce the risk of infection Following contamination of transfer set (such as accidental separation from catheter, hole in PD catheter, wet contamination) Dysfunctional transfer set Recurrent/relapsing peritonitis If the peritoneal dialysis catheter adaptor is changed
