Online Care Methods

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At the JGH, a double verification by 2 nurses is required for the administration of cytotoxic medication.   For medication or chemotherapy that are cytotoxic and administered INTRAVENOUSLY, please refer to the following MSIs:  - Administration of continuous or intermittent perfusion of intravenous antineoplastic agents - CEPSI  - Administration of intravenous antineoplastic agents by elastomeric infuser - CEPSI  - Administration of intravenous antineoplastic agents in direct mode - CEPSI  - Ministerial overview on administration of intravenous antineoplastic agents - CEPSI

Procedure to keep a fully amputated limb/segment in optimal preservation conditions for its reattachment.

Measuring body temperature using a thermometer placed in the armpit.

Modalities to prepare, monitor and assist the professional inserting the arterial cannula.

Set of guidelines governing care for clients with a urinary stoma.
