Online Care Methods

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Assessing the risk factors of developing pressure sores using the Braden Scale, a reliable and valid clinical tool.  

Assisting the doctor during the insertion a catheter into a bone and setting up an infusion.

All information about vaccines can be found in the Quebec's immunization protocol (" Le protocole d'immunisation du Québec "), le P.I.Q., published by the Public health protection of the Ministry of Health and Social services (Protection de la santé publique du Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux). Refer to this protocol at the following adress : Protocole d'immunisation du Québec Chapter 3 of the P.I.Q. deals with the professional liability and certain legal aspects. The Loi modifiant le Code des professions et d'autres dispositions législatives dans le domaine de la santé (Loi 90) has modified aspects of the administration of vaccines in Quebec. In the context of nursing practice (Article 36 de la Loi sur les infirmières et infirmiers), among the activites reserved to nurses, there is " to vaccinate within an activity resulting from the application of the Act on Public health ". Therefore, nurses are empowered to decide, without an individual or collective medical order, to administer immunizing agents.  In the context of the licensed practical nurse pratice (Artilce 37 du Code des professions), among the activities of the licensed pratical nurse, there is " to contribute to vaccination within an activity resulting from the application of the Act on Public health ". Therefore, licenses pratical nurses may administer immunizing agents in collaboration with a doctor or a nurse. In Quebec, all nurses and all licensed practical nurses who administer immunizing agents must comply with the P.I.Q.

Insertion or removal of an indwelling urinary catheter (that stays in place) to empty the bladder.

Put on sterile gloves.
