Online Care Methods

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Most procedures viewed in my institution

Steps to insert, remove and clean an artificial eye.

Procedure consisting of administering a clearing agent to clear the occlusion of an enteral feeding tube or button.

Procedure consisting of emptying the contents of the pouch of an intestinal ostomy pouching system.  

At the JGH, a double verification by 2 nurses is required for the administration of cytotoxic medication.   For medication or chemotherapy that are cytotoxic and administered INTRAVENOUSLY, please refer to the following MSIs:  - Administration of continuous or intermittent perfusion of intravenous antineoplastic agents - CEPSI  - Administration of intravenous antineoplastic agents by elastomeric infuser - CEPSI  - Administration of intravenous antineoplastic agents in direct mode - CEPSI  - Ministerial overview on administration of intravenous antineoplastic agents - CEPSI

Prepare a medication and administer it into the auditory duct.
