Online Care Methods

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Most procedures viewed in my institution

Measurement of the total serum bilirubin (TSB) or transcutaneous bilubirinemia (TcB) in newborns via capillary or venous blood collection or transcutaneously.

Instructions for handling hazardous (dangerous) medications and waste.  Safe handling of hazardous medications and waste.  

Procedure consisting of installing and removing a negative wound pressure therapy (NWPT) system with instillation. 

Emptying a drainage bag Connecting a bedside drainage bag to a leg or abdominal bag Disconnecting a bedside drainage bag from a leg or abdominal bag Installing or removing a stabilization device for a urinary catheter.

Refer to the Tools section for the CIUSSS protocols. ***The extravasation kits are to be verified by the CSI/Assistant head nurse on the units.*** Keywords: Extravasation, cytotoxic compounds, antineoplastics, chemotherapy Note: Patients from sites other than the JGH must be referred to the JGH Emergency Department.
