Online Care Methods

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Temperature monitoring, Refrigerators, Room temperature, Freezers, Medication storage, Fridge Température, Monitorage, Réfrigérateurs, Température pière, Congélateur, entreposage des médicaments, frigo

2022-06-06: UPDATE FORTHCOMING : PLEASE SEE THE «TOOL» SECTION TO ACCESS THE BEST PRACTICES (French only): Guide de prévention. Manipulation sécuritaire des médicaments dangereux (ASSTSAS, 2021) Protection and safety measures for handling of toxic or hazardous substances during their preparation, administration and disposal. This method is an overview written according to the recommendations of the Prevention Guide - Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs published by the ASTASS. The method includes: Management of waste resulting from the administration of antineoplasic medication Management of sharp instruments Management of other waste Management of liquid surplus from antineoplasic medication Management of excreta and client's soiled linen Transportation of hazardous antineoplasic medication coming from home  Management of accidental exposure to a hazardous medication Management of accidental spills. 

SITES ET SECTEURS CLINIQUES VISÉS Direction du programme soutien à l’autonomie des personnes âgées (SAPA) - Hébergement : Tous les centres d’hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) : Donald Berman Maimonides, Jewish Elder Care, Saint-Margaret’s, Saint-Andrew’s, Father Dowd, Henri Bradet et Mont Sïnai. Direction de réadaptation et services multidisciplinaires (DRSM) : Mont-Sinaï, Hôpital Richardson, Hôpital Catherine-Booth. Direction des soins infirmiers : Site Hôtel Dieu Voir la section intitulée Outils pour télécharger l'ordonnance collective en PDF

Administering oxygen using a non-invasive method (excludes BiPAP/CPAP).
