Online Care Methods

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Procedure consisting of installing and removing a non-adherent dressing. 

Administration of a medication in the rectum.

Please refer to the MSSS document related to activities that can be entrusted by the establishment to non-professionals ACTIVITÉS DE SOINS CONFIÉES À DES AIDES-SOIGNANTS ADMINISTRATION DES MÉDICAMENTS ET SOINS INVASIFS D’ASSISTANCE AUX ACTIVITÉS DE LA VIE QUOTIDIENNE RÈGLE DE SOINS NATIONALE ARTICLES 39.7 ET 39.8 DU CODE DES PROFESSIONS Please refer to the Annexe: Directives et conditions particulières de la Règle de soins nationale (RSN) pour le CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal that further governs the practice of aides-soignants.

To insert a sterile balloon catheter (straight or angled) into the bladder, via the urinary meatus and urethra, to ensure continuous urine drainage.
