Online Care Methods

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Refer to the Tools section for the CIUSSS protocols. ***The extravasation kits are to be verified by the CSI/Assistant head nurse on the units.*** Keywords: Extravasation, cytotoxic compounds, antineoplastics, chemotherapy Note: Patients from sites other than the JGH must be referred to the JGH Emergency Department.

Iron deficiency is responsible for almost half of all cases of anemia. Although oral iron can be used to treat deficiency in many cases, intravenous (IV) iron may sometimes be needed. The following method of care details the administration of intravenous iron by steps.  

Set of guidelines governing care for users with a healed urinary stoma.

Using an automatic device to read the data showing the blood's pressure against the artery walls.  

Application of a medication on the skin, nails, hair, hair on the skin or any other body tissue. 
